Century launches new EverRide powersports battery range
Leading battery manufacturer Century Batteries recently unveiled their new range of EverRide Powersports batteries - combining reliability, innovation, and exceptional performance.
Century partners with the Boating Industry Association
Century Yuasa is proud to announce that we have partnered with the Boating Industry Association.

New website for Australia's oldest battery brand
Leading automotive battery manufacturer Century Batteries recently launched a brand-new website, which aims to make it easier than ever for both consumers and trade customers to browse and locate the products or information they’re after.

Powering Progress For over 95 years in Australia
To succeed, you must never stand still. This is the ethos behind Century Batteries’ success in Australia, having built their widely recognised blue and yellow batteries in Australia for over 95 years.

Century Yuasa partners with TAFE Queensland
Century Yuasa is proud to announce its partnership with TAFE Queensland Gold Coast.
Century Yuasa ecoBiz Champion recognition
Century Yuasa is proud to announce that it has been recognised as an ecoBiz Champion Star Partner by the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Queensland (CCIQ).

Announcements from GS Yuasa Corporation
Announcements from GS Yuasa Corporation, Century Yuasa’s parent company regarding purchasing Panasonic Lead-Acid Battery Business and shares in the Republic of Turkey.

Century joins the Australian Energy Storage Council
Century Yuasa recognized as a founding member of Australian Energy Storage Council (ESC).

Century named Repco's Private Label Supplier of the year
Century Yuasa has been recognised as Private Label Supplier of the Year – Trade 2013 at the recent Repco Outstanding Supplier Hall of Fame Awards.

Century named Supercheap Auto Trade Partner of the year
Century Yuasa is proud to be named Supercheap Auto Trade Partner of the Year 2013 at the recent Supercheap Auto Supplier Forum.